Help & Resources For Pornography Harvest USA provides discipleship and equipping to care for those affected by sexual brokenness. Need help today? Are you, your spouse, or a loved one struggling with a pornography addiction? Does it seem like a battle you’ll never win? Pornography is a dangerous enemy of the soul with a history…
How Do I Talk to My Kids About Porn?
Pornography is everywhere you look today. Between TV, movies, streaming videos and the internet, it’s become almost impossible not to find it. And the images are not just sexual (which can be detrimental to a young child); a great deal of sexuality on the internet combines sexuality with violence or sexuality and perversion. This stuff…
What Can Pastors Do When People Say They Feel Addicted to Porn?
With addiction being the verbal currency of just about any human struggle nowadays, pastors and church leaders will find themselves helping men and women who are trapped in addictive pornography struggles. In this video, Mark Sanders speaks to pastors and church leaders on ways that they can help. To learn more, read Mark’s accompanying blog:…
How Can Church Leaders Help Hurting Wives?
It’s a weighty responsibility to shepherd God’s people. Ellen shares how Psalm 34 can instruct pastors and church leaders in wise ministry to hurting wives who are crushed by their husband’s sexual sins. To learn more, read Ellen’s accompanying blog: Wives and Porn and Busy Church Leaders.
Why Should Husbands Know How Porn Hurts Wives?
Most husbands, who come to Harvest USA for help with porn, have never put much thought into the question of how their habit hurts their wives. In this video, Jim explains why and how husbands can care for their wives. To learn more, read Jim’s accompanying blog: How Porn Hurts: Husbands and Porn.
What If I’m a Woman Who Struggles with Pornography?
In this video, Ellen talks about Jessica Harris’ blog, “My Problem Wasn’t Amish Romance Novels.” Many people think women do not have intense struggles with hard-core porn, but Jessica writes about her struggle and what women need to battle—and win—over addictive pornography struggles. You can read Jessica’s blog here. And you can read the entire Spring 2018 issue of harvestusa…
Losing Your Life While Losing Porn
Pornography is more than looking at sexual images; it’s an all-encompassing worldview that many men and women embrace to find relief from their struggles in life. But by turning to porn, they find deeper struggles. Jesus shows us a way out and forward: lay down your life. Lose it in order to find it. Click…
What Should I Say to a Hurting Wife?
In the second part of this two-part blog on how to help wives whose husbands are looking at porn, Ellen gives five key things to say and do, at the beginning, to effectively help. Click here to read more on what Ellen is saying on her blog: Wives and Porn: What to Say or Do…
What Should I NOT Say to a Hurting Wife?
What to say to a friend who has discovered her husband has been looking at porn is important. What NOT to say is even more critical. Ellen gives five common remarks wives hear from friends and leaders, well-meaning comments that are anything but helpful and encouraging. Click here to Ellen’s blog, “Wives and Porn: What…
Why Is It Good to Get Caught in Your Sin?
When you get caught in sin, it’s an awful feeling. No one likes to get called out for their behavior. But when it comes to living your life in secret, getting caught is the best thing that can happen. It’s God’s mercy to you that you got caught. When you come to see that truth,…
How Did My Porn Habit Damage My View of Women?
In this video, Bob shares the story of his struggle with pornography and how it damaged his view of women. You can also read his blog, “Coming to Grips with How Porn Damaged My View of Women,” which corresponds to this video. To learn more, consider purchasing What’s Wrong with a Little Porn When You’re…
Is Our View of Masturbation Outdated?
Click here to read more on what Dave is saying on his blog: Solo Sex and the Christian
Why is it best for you to confess your own sin?
The wave of sexual misconduct allegations is something the likes of which we have not seen. There’s a lot of good coming out of this exposing of sin—terrible sin, overwhelmingly against women. Healing is happening because of this exposure. But a deeper healing is possible if only the offender would take the first step. After…
Why is it best for you to confess your own sin?
The wave of sexual misconduct allegations is something the likes of which we have not seen. There’s a lot of good coming out of this exposing of sin—terrible sin, overwhelmingly against women. Healing is happening because of this exposure. But a deeper healing is possible if only the offender would take the first step. After…
A Couple’s Journey to Intimacy after Sexual Betrayal
It’s easy to fall in love, but to rebuild it after one spouse sexually sins has unique difficulties and challenges. Ellen interviews one couple who worked through the challenges and discovered how God knit them back together. Read Ellen’s complete interview with Drew and Tilina. And read the full version of our Spring 2017 harvestusa…
Is a Struggle with Pornography a Deal-Breaker?
Are you engaged? In a relationship and thinking about getting married? You’ve got lots to talk about—and be honest about with your future spouse. But the time to talk about these things is now, before you make your vows. And one critical thing to discuss is pornography and sexual sin. Click here to read more…
Pastors: Don’t be afraid to take the lid off
John Freeman’s more than 35 years of experience in helping pastors and church leaders comes through in his advice to one pastor who discovers sexual sin among his own church leadership. Click here to read John’s accompanying article, “Pastors: Don’t Be Afraid to Take the Lid Off.”
Pornified Mind: Reclaiming your thought life—Part 3
To begin reclaiming your mind from the accumulation of porn’s images, you are going to have to do the hard work of “putting off” patterns of behavior that keep you enslaved. But oh, it is so worth doing so! Read Dave’s related blog on Renewing Your Mind from Pornography.
Pornified Mind: Reclaiming your thought life—Part 2
To begin reclaiming your mind from the accumulation of porn’s images, consider seeing the images from an entirely different perspective – how they point in some small way to the Creator who alone is worthy of our focus and attention. Read Dave’s related blog post, Renewing Your Mind from Pornography.
Pornified Mind: Reclaiming your thought life—Part 1
Read Dave’s blog, “Renewing Your Mind from Pornography: “Taking Thoughts Captive.” These short videos and blog posts can be used as discussion starters in small group settings, mentoring relationships, men’s, and women’s groups, etc.
Fighting the Battle with Pornography (Video Blog)
Bob Heywood shares his story about his battle with pornography and what it took for him to change.