Speaking Up About Women’s Sexuality
In June 2012, I attended The Gospel Coalition Women’s Conference in Orlando, Florida, with 3,800 women from across the USA and other countries. Many more women listened in via a live web stream, adding another 1,200 or so women to the number of attendees.
The theme of the conference was “Here Is Our God,” and speakers unfolded Scripture with passion and vision, helping us to see the treasure of Jesus and God’s Word for all of us. The entire conference is available online for free on The Gospel Coalition’s website. I encourage anyone to listen for excellent teaching from the Bible.
There was, however, one disappointing reality about the conference that disheartened me as the Women’s Ministry Coordinator for Harvest USA—and as Ellen, a woman needy of God’s grace and truth for my own brokenness. I’m referring to the fact that, in the course of the eleven talks I attended, I heard only two very brief comments related to women’s sexuality. Both of these were just a quick phrase or sentence that mentioned an aspect of sexual brokenness with which women struggle. In other words, in the eleven talks which constituted about 660 minutes of Bible teaching and application, there were only ten seconds’ worth on how the gospel of grace intersects with the sexual brokenness of women and women’s sexuality!
Ten seconds?! Hear me out: I’m not disparaging TGC or the Women’s Conference. But this void spoke loudly to me, and I’m assuming it also communicated something to the thousands of other women who were listening. Perhaps many were hoping, praying, wondering if our God and his Word had anything to say to those who have quickly become addicted to the new craze of “mommy porn?” Or if there is any gospel hope for women who are in emotionally and sexually broken relationships—with men or women? Or if there is grace for the woman in a marriage scarred by serial adultery and a husband who is addicted to porn?
I want to assure you, if you are a woman in any of these circumstances, that there is much gospel hope, grace, and truth for you! I actually met with one such woman in my office two weeks after the conference who had stopped by our Harvest USA display table there to get more information.
Join me for the next few blog posts as I apply the rich teaching I heard from this conference to the relational and sexual brokenness of women. Jesus said, “[The Father] has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed” (Luke 4:18–19). Jesus, our God, promises this to all women—including daughters of God who are heavy and ache with the pain, shame, and fear associated with sexual sin.
Has this been your experience? Do you rarely or never hear pastors or Christian leaders talk about women’s sexuality? Do you feel, as I do, that you need good biblical information on this in order to walk with sexual integrity?
Updated 5.8.2017
Ellen Mary Dykas
Director of Equipping for Ministry to Women
Ellen joined Harvest USA in 2007 as our first full-time women’s ministry staff. Ellen received her MA from Covenant Theological Seminary and a graduate certificate in biblical counseling from Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF).
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