Biblical Sexuality
Help & Resources For Biblical Sexuality Need help today? God created sex. Maybe that sounds strange to you, but it was his idea and it’s a good gift. Why did God create sex? What is it for? When we see the beauty in his design, it ultimately points us back to the beauty of the…
Why Do We Need Another Book on Sexuality?
Most books on sexuality miss a critical piece: a biblical perspective on the goodness of created and redeemed sexuality and how Scripture invites us to know Jesus as the ultimate Bridegroom, whether married or single. Unless we understand sexuality is ultimately about God and our relationship with him, we will not have a complete picture…
Is Our View of Masturbation Outdated?
Click here to read more on what Dave is saying on his blog: Solo Sex and the Christian
How does a youth pastor address sexuality with students?
Whether you’re a youth minister or a parent, talking about sex and sexuality to teens is uncomfortable, to say the least. But it needs to be done. Listen as one youth minister at a large church gives his tips on how he and his youth team handles it. Read more of our interview with Jon…