Why Does Harvest USA Offer Free Help for Biblical Sexuality?
It’s a good question. People are often surprised to learn that Harvest USA provides life-on-life discipleship programs and many of our resources at no cost whatsoever. Why do we offer free help for biblical sexuality? There are three important reasons.
1. Harvest USA is not a counseling center.
While most of our staff have seminary degrees in theology and/or counseling (to provide biblical, relationally focused, Christ-centered mentoring), Harvest USA is an evangelistic and discipleship ministry. We intentionally minister the truth, mercy, and grace of the gospel—and the gospel message should always be without cost. Paraphrasing the words of Isaiah: “Come and take freely what you normally have to pay for” (Isa. 55:1).
We intentionally minister the truth, mercy, and grace of the gospel—and the gospel message should always be without cost.
We don’t know whether those who come to our office seeking help for biblical sexuality are believers or non-believers. But in both cases, our goal is the same: helping them understand that only Christ can answer their life-dominating struggles and that Jesus loves the brokenhearted.
You don’t have to be a Christian to get help here. But if your life isn’t working like you hoped, are you open to what the God of the Bible has to say? As one ministry recipient recently told us, “I may not have been a Christian when I came to Harvest USA six months ago, but I know I’m one now!”
2. We are a life-on-life discipleship ministry.
Our focus is not a system or strategy but the life-changing power of the gospel. We coordinate intensive small group interaction, but the gospel’s mercy and truth are what softens hearts. We help parents understand the struggles of their teen or adult children—and how to recognize their own need for gospel grace—but God is the restorer of families. And in everything, we agree with the Apostle Paul’s admonition to the church in Corinth, “neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth” (1 Cor. 3:7).
By making our materials available at no cost, we hope more churches—big and small—will be able to find the help they need.
Our no-charge policy extends to hundreds of staff-created blog posts and articles for men, women, and parents on our website, including several small-group curricula—one now available in Chinese. All our self-produced resources, curricula, magazines, and web-based seminar courses are available at no cost—and almost half of the downloads are from places like Taiwan, Iran, China, Norway, Zambia, Argentina, Greece, and Fiji!
3. Harvest USA seeks to be a ministry to and for the local church.
Church leaders know that struggles with pornography, sexuality, and gender impact their members. So, our video courses, “Raising Sexually Faithful Kids” and “Parenting Boys and Girls in a Gender Confused World,” can be streamed for free by parents and churches. By making our materials available at no cost, we hope more churches—big and small—will be able to find the help for biblical sexuality they need.
How Can We Offer Free Help for Biblical Sexuality? With Your Support.
Whether you’re an individual ministry partner, a member of a supporting church, or perhaps serve with a foundation, we thank you. Your partnership helps make this possible, and we are privileged to serve alongside you.
Yet, many more people need help like this. The numbers of men and women struggling with sexual brokenness (even in our churches) is staggering. The chances are pretty good that someone you know—in your neighborhood, at work, or even sitting in the same pew—needs to see how God’s grace can free them from the fear and shame of sexual sin. Please intercede for Harvest USA that God’s resources will be released so we can reach a wider audience as we move into the future.
To invest in the ministry of Harvest USA and enable us to continue offering free help for biblical sexuality, please click here.
Jim Barr
Director of Ministry Partnerships and Stewardship
Jim is the Director of Ministry Partnerships and Stewardship for Harvest USA. Jim received a master’s degree in public affairs journalism from Regent University (Virginia Beach, VA) and his bachelor’s degree in history from Amherst College, (Amherst, MA).
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