
Relationship Struggles

Relationship Struggles

Help & Resources For Relationship Struggles Harvest USA points to the gospel to transform the ways we relate to others. Need help today? Relationships are both a blessing and a challenge, if we’re honest. We love people, and we want love from them—yet we also avoid, use, abuse, and fear each other. That’s just for…

You Are Always Being Influenced

You Are Always Being Influenced

It’s not enough to simply think about desires and beliefs in a vacuum. Our context and our circumstances strongly shape what our hearts believe and desire. To learn more about this topic, consider purchasing one of our minibooks, Explaining LGBTQ+ Identity to Your Child by Tim Geiger and Raising Sexually Health Kids by David White….

Can Men and Women Be Friends?

Can Men and Women Be Friends?

In the Church, men and women are brothers and sisters in Christ. This means we can relate to one another as friends by sharing life together and helping one another run the race of faith. To learn more about biblical friendship, read Aimee Byrd’s blog, “Does a Woman’s Sexuality Hinder her Capability for Friendship?” You…