Nicholas Black
Nicholas Black
How Do I Talk to My Kids About Porn?
Pornography is everywhere you look today. Between TV, movies, streaming videos and the internet, it’s become almost impossible not to find it. And the images are not just sexual (which can be detrimental to a young child); a great deal of sexuality on the internet combines sexuality with violence or sexuality and perversion. This stuff…
Why Is It Good to Get Caught in Your Sin?
When you get caught in sin, it’s an awful feeling. No one likes to get called out for their behavior. But when it comes to living your life in secret, getting caught is the best thing that can happen. It’s God’s mercy to you that you got caught. When you come to see that truth,…
The Dangerous Expectations of Reparative Therapy – The Video
Many people today think reparative therapy is Christian-based, but it’s not. There is no gospel in it, and it’s important for Christians to speak intelligently about how helping someone with same-sex attraction in a gospel-focused way is altogether different. Click here to read Nicholas’ blog post that says a whole lot more about this misunderstood issue….