Joan McConnell
Joan McConnell is Harvest USA’s Director of Parents and Family Ministry, providing fellowship, advice, and biblical encouragement for those impacted by their family members’ sexual struggles. After teaching for 29 years in Christian high schools and Bible colleges, Joan has been part of her church’s staff since 2007. She has been a ministry mentor for churches, served as a speaker for seminars, retreats, and workshops, and has facilitated a Harvest USA parents’ support group since 2013. Joan holds an MA in Biblical Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Liberty Theological Seminary.
Joan McConnell
Joan McConnell is Harvest USA’s Director of Parents and Family Ministry, providing fellowship, advice, and biblical encouragement for those impacted by their family members’ sexual struggles. After teaching for 29 years in Christian high schools and Bible colleges, Joan has been part of her church’s staff since 2007. She has been a ministry mentor for churches, served as a speaker for seminars, retreats, and workshops, and has facilitated a Harvest USA parents’ support group since 2013. Joan holds an MA in Biblical Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Liberty Theological Seminary.
Center For Parent Youth Understanding
CPYU and Reformed Youth Ministries are co-sponsoring the Northeast Youth Ministry Summit.
Made for More Conference
Ellen will teach at the Made for More Conference (Women’s and Children’s Ministries of the PCA denomination)